God had blessed us with many useful things. Every part in our body has its own importance. We realize value of things when we loss them. Teeth are one of the blessing of God. We can eat by the help of teeth and chew everything. Food particles are grinned with the help of teeth into small pieces and these pieces can be easily swallowed. But the cleanliness of teeth is also very important. Food particles in teeth can create unpleasant odor in mouth and we can loss the freshness of our mouth so we should clean our teeth daily. Here we will discuss how we should brush our teeth.
Some ways for how to brush your teeth
Use a good tooth brush
Choose a brush having soft bristles. It will help you to remove germs more smoothly without creating any dental problem. If you will use a brush having hard bristles it will damage your gums and can also cause bleeding. So always use a brush having soft bristles.
Replace your toothbrush regularly
The bristles of tooth brush lose their flexibility with the passage of time. So they cannot clean your teeth properly because they also lose their shape so we should change our tooth brush regularly to clean our teeth properly,
Use fluoride tooth paste
Use fluoride toothpaste it will make your teeth healthy and clean. It also makes your gums more strong. Fluoride toothpaste cannot be used for children because children can swallow fluorides which can create serious health problems so it cannot be used for children of 7 to 8 years age.
Use dental floss
Dental floss is more important than brushing. Tiny particles of food sometimes ensnare between the places of teeth. So flossing helps to remove these tiny particles from the places found between the teeth. When these particles trap between the teeth they can create bacteria which is a cause of odor in our mouth so floss your teeth properly.
Use small amount of toothpaste
Everything should be used in a limited amount because unlimited use of anything can cause many problems. Always use limited or small amount of toothpaste because if you use excessive amount of toothpaste it can  create many dental problems. This is best tip for how to brush your teeth.
Brush your teeth at least three minutes
While brushing, tooth paste should reach in every corner of our mouth. Brush your teeth properly and don’t leave any place without cleaning. Brush your teeth at least 3 minutes. It will help you to clean your teeth properly and remove the germs.
