How to get rid of pink eye by using some effective remedies? Home remedies for pink eye will help you to diminish your pain and keep your eye free from redness. Some peoples wear glasses awaiting your symptoms have gone away totally. 
Allergy is the problem, a cool condense may feel improved. Pink eye is caused by an infection, and then a temperate, moist compress may calm your eye and help diminish redness and swelling. Lukewarm, moist squeezes can increase infection from one eye to the other. Use a different squeeze for each eye, and use a clean squeeze for each purpose. By using this method you will get rid of your problem how to get rid of pink eye.

Symptoms of pink eye are different cases:
  • Redness in eyes
  • Watery eyes
  • Irritation in eyes
Coconut oil
Coconut oil is very effective remedy to cure of redness and pink eyes. How You can solve this issue by using coconut oil rub coconut oil around your eyes with the help of your finger tips, just for five min.
Apple cider vinegar
If you really wanted to get rid of the redness you can use apple cider vinegar. In 1 cup of boiled water add 1 table spoon of apple cider vinegar and then boil again. Cool at room temperature and with the help of cotton rub this mixture around eye for 10 sec and you will definitely crack your dilemma of pink eye. 
Neosporin is very useful for curing pink eye. It is not a quick method but it facilitates a lot in curing. You can use this for break your trouble of pink eye.
Honey is very curable remedy for pink eye. Take some boiled water add ¼ tea spoon and add pinch of salt. Mix them gently and place 1 and 2 drops of this liquid mixture with the help of dropper repeat this process after every hour. 
Herbal tea poultices
It is very useful for any pink eye. You can use this tea use for rinse your eye. In boiled water add chamomile and then boil again. Then cold it at room temperature and you can also add pinch of ionized salt and then rinse your infected eyes with it. By using this herbal tea you will split your problem of pink eye.
Salt water wash
 Some bacteria attack on your eyes and you will suffer from redness in eyes. Use germ free water to wash your pink eyes. In pure impurity free water add ionized salt and then rinse your eyes several times a day with this solution. You will get rid of your trouble of pink eye. By using this solution you will get rid of pink eye slowly.
Raw potatoes
Potatoes are easily available in your home. It is very useful to get rid of dark circles, irritation of eyes and for other eye problems you can use this remedy to get rid of redness in your eyes. Cut potatoes into pieces and cold these slices and put on your eyes you will feel better. 
By using these remedies you will cure your disease and you will overcome from your problem of pink eye.
