Termites is a common problem of every place. Termites are the natural small insects which are essential in an ecosystem. They can be reproducing in our business and our homes. If there production remain unchecked they can be reproduce rapidly. They can destroy money in business and wood in home. If they live at a wood for long time they can be destroy it. They can digest wood due to a small parasite which present in its abdomen. You can solve your this problem of termites by using home remedies and by natural ways.  
Identity signs
It makes some signs on the soil which indicate there presence there.
It can be destroy wood of furniture.
It can also present on trees.
They are of three types. The termites which have wings can attack on different places

Some effective natural remedies how to get rid of termites

Use of card board trap
Card board traps are considering more effective source for termites.
It has cellulose which attracts termites toward it self. It proves valuable when it use with water. It leaves a woody smell. They accumulate on card board trap in the form of colony. Then they are collected and kill with the help of burning.
Expose the area with sunlight 
Termites are most sensitive to sunlight or heat. When they expose to light they die off. The area where termites live in the form of colony it can be exposed to light. 
Remove moisture 
It has been study that termites multiply more rapidly moisture areas. So moisture areas should not be presents in homes. Moisture should be removed with dry areas to decrease the number of termites. Because of dryness termites will be die off. 
Use of pesticides 
Pesticides are use to kill the termites. If they are use on the wood to remove the termites it will be prove valuable. It is a biological method to get rid of termites. 
Use of nematodes 
Nematodes are the pastes which feed on microscopic organism. It can be use to remove the termites because nematodes can feed on termites. So they can be use to get rid of termites. It can be also use in fields as the pests. 
Use of Boric acid
Boric acid is most effective way to get rid of termites. It is not only use to get rid of termites but also use to get rid of aunts. Make a paste of it by using propylene glycol apply it on the wood of furniture door etc. It will be proving useful for termites. We can also use boric acid by sprinkle it all around the termites mounds.
Orange oil
Orange oil is extracted by the orange peels. It can be use to get rid of termites. It is the most effective natural method. Use the orange oil over the holes which termites make in the furniture by any injection instrument. It will be decrease the number of termites more quickly.
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera can also be use to get rid of termites. Cut the aloe plant into pieces then mix it with water. Make a mixture then spray it on the wood. Termites will be dying off by using this process.
  • Check all areas where you feel threat against termites.
  • Do not use mulch in your homes because this material serves as the source of food for termites.
  • Remove moisture areas by with the dry areas 
  • Expose the moist area to sunlight
  • Use boric acid carefully it should not be contact with your eyes.
