How to get rid of ants is a common problem in every home especially in summer season. Ants are the small creature of God. It is also called a hardworking insect. Insects play an important role in our life but in some ways they are harmful for us. We can get rid of ants by using some natural remedies. Here we will discuss about how to get rid of ants. Ants are tiny insects but they can create many problems. We can remove them by using some prevention and some natural ways.
1) Spray vinegar
Vinegar is a natural way to get rid of ants. Vinegar is also use as a repellent for some other insects. It has an effective odor which acts as a natural and effective repellent to keep away the insects from your homes. Spray some vinegar drops on the holes of bees. The smell of vinegar will be keep bees away from your home it is a best remedy to get rid of ants.

2) Remove garbage
Presence of garbage can is attracting ants towards your home. Garbage can contain many eatables so ants can be move towards your home to get their food. Don’t spread eatables in your home and keep it clean it will be help you to get rid of ants.
3) Use insecticides
Insecticides are the chemicals which are use to kill the insects. These insecticides can also be helping us to get rid of ants. Sprinkle the insecticide or powdered ants repellent in the corners and holes of the ants it will be kill the ants and prevent there growth in your home it is best remedy to get rid of ants by killing them and get rid of them permanently.
4) Use of borax
Borax is a chemical having most beneficial effect to get rid of ants. These ants can be removed by using borax. Borax can be removing ants more quickly then other type of insecticides. Use borax to the ants and we will get rid of ants.
5) Make a mixture of rubbing alcohol
Alcohol can also be use to get rid of many other insects other then ants. We can use rubbing alcohol solution to get rid of ants more properly. Put the mixture of rubbing alcohol in a bottle. The bottle should be dry. Shake this solution well until precipitates come over the surface spray this solution to ants. It is best way to get rid of ants.
6) Seal up the holes
Sealing is a process in which we cover the holes of different types. By using sealing process we can get rid of ants and other insects permanently. Use plaster of Paris or a metallic sheet   to seal up the holes of ants. By using this way we can get rid of ants permanently.
