Blood pressure is not a simple case of hypertension and anxiety. It can damage your heart and can cause a stroke, dementia and even kidney failure. Medication is dangerous and with lot of side effects in the case of high blood pressure. There is good news for those who want to naturally control their blood pressure without going under high medication. 
Reduce Your Use of Cell Phone
Using cell phone can be a major cause of high blood pressure in modern days. Reduce your daily use of cell phone and keep it on silent while doing some serious work. A sudden bell can induce a symptom of high blood pressure.
Be a Vegetarian
Reduce the use of meat specially the beef in your diet. Try to make your family loving vegetables as they can help you to be a vegetarian. Ask for vegetables while dinning out. That will surely reduce the risk of blood pressure and further complications.
Use Vegetable and Fruit Juices
Juices like that of beet and carrot can reduce blood pressure up to 5 point in six hours. Watermelon juice and other colored fruits juices not only reduce your blood pressure but also make a good effect on your eye site.
Drink a Good Amount of Water
It is now an established fact that drinking ample amount of water can reduce blood pressure a lot. Drinking one glass of water in the morning with empty stomach can reduce your blood pressure for the whole day.
Make Antioxidants as Essential Part of Your Dietary Habit
Antioxidants can surely help you to lower blood pressure. Some wild fruits like blue berries are amazingly effective in this case. These small berries are used for centuries and scientist still doesn’t know how it works to lower the high blood pressure.
If we keep these points in mind there must be a visible reduction in the risks involved with high blood pressure.