How to get rid of sunburn by using some best remedies? Because of Ultraviolet rays burn your skin. By this burning skin, you should have to face many problems like dry skin, freckles, blemish, and crumple. It also causes skin cancer if left untreated. People feel uncomfortable due to this problem. It also causes a severe pain due to which you will feel uncomfortable. Mostly people work out sides so they try to solve their problem how to get rid of sunburn. Serious diseases like skin cancer can only happen if you get sunburn or you get too much overexposed to UV rays. You can save yourself from getting this sunburn with accurate usage of clothing, caps, umbrellas and sunglasses. Because of redness your body will damage your healthy life. When you have to face ultraviolet light, your uncovered skin ups its construction of melanin. Melanin is the pigment which protects your skin from UV radiations. Our today’s discussion is move around this topic 
Now we will mention here some effective and natural home remedies to solve of this question that how to get rid of sunburn.

Potato paste
Potatoes are easily and simply accessible in your home. You can use them for your treatment of sunburn. You can use raw potato or its slices on your affected areas. In the blender, blend potato and add little bit water in it. Apply this juice on affected areas with the help of cotton. You will feel better and solve your problem how to get rid of sunburn. You can also use slices of potato and put them on affected areas. You will cure from redness.
Cool milk compress 
A cool milk compress is one of the effective, effortless and efficient remedy for sunburn. The cool milk protects our skin from heat. It makes a layer of protein on skin to look after it, help it cure, and additional calm uneasiness. Soak a compress in the cold bowl of milk and then this cloth put on your skin for 10 sec repeat this process many times in a day. You will resolve your issue of how to get rid of sunburn.
Baking powder
Baking powder is use to cure sunburn. It’s very simple remedy to get relief of redness on your body. Take some baking powder and cool water. Mix them gently and then apply on affected skin. Leave for 10 min then rinse your skin. You will feel cool by using this best and painless remedy and forget your issue how to get rid of sunburn.
Use of vinegar
You can use vinegar on your affected skin. Because of it is very effective and easy remedy to get rid of sunburn. Put vinegar with cold water in a bottle and after taking bath spray this mixture on your affected skin. You will get rid of your problem how to get rid of sunburn by using this remedy. 
Use of plain yogurt
Yogurt is very affected to get relief of sunburn. It is easy method to overcome your problem of how to get rid of sunburn. Apply yogurt on your burned skin with your clean hand. Cover your skin with yogurt and leave it for five minutes you will get rid of pain and irritation.
Cucumber is very useful to remedy for how to get rid of sunburn.  Cut a cucumber into slices and put these slices on your burned areas and you will feel coolness after applying slices of cucumber.
Honey and papaya
In one table spoon of honey add one table spoon of papaya paste. Mix them and apply these mixture on your burn skin. Wash this affected area after 30 minutes. Drink a lot of water and use aloe Vera cream on your perfect skin.
Your efforts will successful and make you to get rid of your issue of how to get rid of sunburn by using these remedies. 
