Bumps are a common problem among many people. It is an irritating condition in which people feel uncomfortable. Bumps are a moderate skin condition that affects many people. Bumps are an inflammation of the skin in which the oil glands are infected with bacteria. In this case bumps appear on different parts of the body and fill with pus. Bumps generally appear on tongue, neck, shoulder and face. Bumps make someone miserable due to their appearance. But don’t worry, I am telling you an easy and effective treatment of bumps at home. You can solve your problem how to get rid of bumps by using this easy treatment at home.

Some treatments of Bumps

There are many lotions and medicines in the market which take time to remove the bumps on face. These lotions and medicines also have numberless side effects. These artificial treatments give you temporary relief but after a short period; bumps appear again on your skin. So I am going to tell you an easy and effective treatment which will remove your pumps forever. Follow these methods and remedies to get rid of bumps.
Take small piece of ice in the form of cube which you can catch easily and work with this. Or you can take the piece of ice covering with cloth. Now you have to put this ice on the affected area of skin and hold if for 60 seconds and repeat this process four times in an hour.
Take a small piece of cotton and dip it in lemon juice and put this cotton on the place where the skin is affected with bumps and rub this place with cotton for a minute and repeat this process 5 times in a day. You will see the result in a single day.
In this process, you have to take a little bit toothpaste and put the small quantity of the toothpaste on the affected skin and repeat this process twice a day. In this way you can get rid of bumps by using toothpaste.
Take water in bowl and boil it until the steam starts to come out of water. The place your affected area of skin with bumps in front of the bowl. Give steam to the affected skin for 10 minutes and repeat this process 3 times a day to get better results. 
Garlic is effective remedy. Take some cloves of garlic and make a paste by using some water in it. You should use about 15 % water and 85 % garlic.
By using these ways and easy home remedies; you can easily get rid of bumps. 
